Privacy & Cookie Policy

We are Leasing Options Limited, company number 02487254 and whose registered office is at Options House, Atkin Street, Worsley, Manchester, M28 3DG (‘We’, ‘Us’ or ‘Our’). We take the privacy of Our customers very seriously. We ask that You read this Privacy Policy (‘the Policy’) carefully as it contains important information about how We will use Your personal data.

For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 (‘the DPA’), We are the ‘data controller’ (i.e. the company who is responsible for, and controls the processing of, Your personal data).

Personal data We may collect

We will obtain personal data about You (including but not limited to your name, address, contact information, interests, payment details, opinions) and those whose personal data You have with express authority disclosed to Us (‘Others’) whenever You complete an online form or make a telephone enquiry with Us to receive Our services.

For example, We will obtain personal data when You (e.g. contact Us for any reason, or purchase services). We may also obtain sensitive personal data about You or Others if you volunteer it during the completion of an online form or telephone enquiry. If You volunteer such information, You will be consenting to Our processing it for the purpose of carrying out Our business activities for Your benefit and for dealing with whatever business resulted in You providing the data to Us.

We may monitor Your use of Our website through the use of cookies and similar tracking devices. For example, We may monitor how many times You visit, which pages You go to, traffic data, location data and the originating domain name of a user’s internet service provider. This information helps Us to build a profile of Our users. Some of this data will be aggregated or statistical. Please see further the section on ‘Use of cookies’ below.

How We use personal data

We will use the personal data You disclose to Us for the purposes described in Our Terms. These purposes include:

  • to assist Us in processing Your enquiries and obtaining the services which You require;
  • to help us identify You and any accounts You hold with us;
  • undertaking credit checks;
  • administration;
  • research, statistical analysis and behavioural analysis;
  • customer profiling and analysing Your preferences;
  • marketing (for further information see ‘Marketing and opting out’ below);
  • fraud prevention and detection;
  • billing and order fulfilment;
  • customising Our website and its content to Your particular preferences;
  • to notify You of any changes to Our website or to Our services which may affect You;
  • security vetting; and
  • improving Our services.

Marketing and opting out

We may share personal data which You provide to Us with organisations set out in the ‘Disclosure of personal data’ section below and We or they may contact You and Others (unless You have asked Us or them not to do so) by mail, telephone, text message, email, fax or other means appropriate with information on (including but not limited to) products, services, promotions, special offers and charitable causes which may be of interest to You or Others. If You or any specific Other would prefer not to receive any further direct marketing communications from Us or Our business partners, it is possible to opt out at any time. See further ‘Your rights’ below.

Disclosure of personal data

We may disclose personal data which You provide to Us to:

  • Our agents and service providers (e.g. providers of web hosting, maintenance services or potential funders);
  • law enforcement agencies in connection with any investigation to help prevent unlawful activity;
  • Our business partners in accordance with the ‘Marketing and opting out’ section above, specifically being:
    • our group companies (as defined in the Companies Act 2006);
    • finance companies with whom we deal for the purposes of providing our services to you;
    • Insurance companies with whom we deal for the purposes of providing our services to you and to verify information provided to us by you; and
    • other third parties with whom we deal in the course of providing our services to you; and
  • any regulators within whose jurisdiction We operate from time to time.

Please be aware that we will not sell or otherwise disclose any personal data provided to us to any other party without your express permission.

Keeping data secure

We currently safeguard personal data by storing it on a CRM protected by password and shall ensure that from time to time we use no lesser technical and organisational measures to safeguard personal data which is disclosed to Us. Whilst We will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard such personal data, You acknowledge that the use of the internet is not entirely secure and for this reason We cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal data which are transferred from You or to You via the internet.


We may monitor and record communications with You (such as telephone conversations and emails) for the purpose of quality assurance, training, fraud prevention, compliance or charitable purposes.

Information about other individuals

If You give Us information about Others, You confirm that the other person has appointed You to act on his/her behalf and has agreed that You can:

  • give consent on his/her behalf to the processing of his or her personal or sensitive personal data for the purposes and reasons set out in this Policy; and
  • receive on his/her behalf any data protection notices.

Use of Google Analytics Advertising

We use Google Analytics Advertising Features (‘GAAF’) through Our website, which means that certain information about the traffic on Our website is collected. In light of using GAAF, We will not facilitate the merging of personally-identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information collected through GAAF unless We receive Your express consent to that merger.

Furthermore, We are hereby notifying You that:

  • The specific GAAF feature(s) which We have implemented are:
    • Remarketing with Google Analytics
    • Google Display Network Impression Reporting
    • Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting
  • We use first-party cookies (such as GAAF cookies) or other first-party identifiers, and third-party cookies (such as advertising cookies) or other third-party identifiers together and that this is done in the ways detailed under the sub-heading ‘Use of First & Third Party Cookies and Identifiers’ below; and
  • You can op-out of the GAAF You use, including through Ads Settings, Ad Settings for mobile apps, or any other available means such as the Google Analytics currently available opt-outs accessible via

Use of cookies

A cookie is a small text file which is placed onto Your computer (or other electronic device) when You access Our website. We may use cookies and other online tracking devices on Our website to:

  • keep track of the details You have provided and take You through any process on the website;
  • recognise You whenever You visit Our website (this speeds up Your access to the website as You do not have to log on each time);
  • obtain information about Your preferences, online movements and use of the internet;
  • carry out research and statistical analysis to help improve Our content, products and services and to help Us better understand Our visitor requirements and interests;
  • target Our marketing campaigns and those of Our partners more effectively by providing interest-based advertisements that are personalised to Your interests; and
  • make Your online experience more efficient and enjoyable.

The information We obtain from Our use of cookies will not usually contain Your personal data. Although We may obtain information about Your computer or other electronic device such as your IP address, Your browser and/or other internet log information, this will not usually identify You personally. In certain circumstances We may collect personal information about You – but only where You voluntarily provide it (e.g. by completing an online form or making a telephone enquiry) or where You purchase services from or through Us.

In most cases We will need Your consent in order to use cookies on Our website. The exception is where the cookie is essential in order for Us to provide You with a service You have requested.

There is a notice on Our home page which describes how We use cookies and which also provides a link to this Policy. If You use Our website after this notification has been displayed to You We will assume that You consent to Our use of cookies for the purposes described in this Policy.

We may work with third-party suppliers who may also set cookies on Our website. Third-party suppliers are responsible for the cookies they set on Our website. If You want further information please go to the website for the relevant third party. Third party cookies currently in use include:

  • google analytics - visitor tracking
  • whoson - visitor tracking and online chat functionality
  • mousestats - session recording
  • visualweboptimiser - a/b split testing
  • trustpilot - visitor reviews

If You do not want to accept cookies, You can change Your browser settings so that cookies are not accepted. If You do this, please be aware that You may lose some of the functionality of Our website. For further information about cookies and how to disable them please go to: or

Your rights

You have the right, subject to the payment of a small fee (currently £10) to request access to Your personal data which We process. If You wish to exercise this right You should:

  • put Your request in writing;
  • include proof of Your identity and address (e.g. a copy of Your driving licence or passport, and a recent utility or credit card bill);
  • attach a cheque in the amount of £10 made payable to Leasing Options Limited; and
  • specify the personal data You want access to, including any account or reference numbers where applicable.

You have the right to require Us to correct any inaccuracies in your data free of charge. If You wish to exercise this right You should:

  • put Your request in writing;
  • provide Us with enough information to identify You (e.g. account/order number, username, registration details); and
  • specify the information that is incorrect and what it should be replaced with.

You also have the right to ask Us to stop processing Your personal data for direct marketing purposes. If You wish to exercise this right you should:

  • put Your request in writing (an email sent to with a header that says ‘Unsubscribe’ is acceptable);
  • provide Us with enough information to identify You (e.g. account/order number, username, registration details);
  • if Your objection is not to direct marketing in general, but to direct marketing by a particular channel (e.g. email or telephone) please specify the channel You are objecting to.

Our contact details

We welcome your feedback and questions. If You wish to contact Us, please send an email to or you can write to Us at Options House, Atkin Street, Worsley, Manchester, M28 3DG or call Us on 01616600767. We may change this Policy from time to time. You should check this policy occasionally to ensure You are aware of the most recent version which will apply each time You deal with Us.